Sunday, July 22, 2012

What You Can Do With Plungers & Shampoo

A lot has happened since I last posted. I have toyed with Tsimshatsui, played with the local Park n' Shop, and adventured into the deepest depths of none other then a toilet plunger. (I'll elaborate on that later.)
Mostly since I got here, my family has been shopping for basic needs and getting our bearings straight. We met some of my mom's colleagues and, as our one big trip, went to Tsimshatsui in Kowloon yesterday to visit the hotel we stayed at the first two times we came here. We saw some weird stuff there. By the ferry pier, there was a marketing campaign for LSP (Love Sexy Protection) shampoo. They had a bunch of people handing around free samples near a shower rig they had set up. They had a model wearing board shorts in the shower who was washing his hair over and over and smiling like the cheshire cat. A little cheesy, but hey. Free stuff.
Nothing else really exciting happened since we got here except for today, when we took a trip to the market in Tai Po to go have lunch. (I'll post a map of HK so you'll know what I'm talking about.) We went to a delicious noodle joint where we discovered a clone of my cat in the pet shop next door, and on the other side, a hardware store. My dad took an impulse and bought a good old-fashioned toilet plunger after we had some issues on the second day. We had a great time walking around the market, and after taking the subway back, we had to take the bus up the hill to get to our apartment. However, on Sunday only 1 bus runs so there was a line. A long one too. So me, being the fun-loving primate that I an, decided to take the tools I had a hand and craft with them a good time. I only really had two tools: a toilet plunger and a 15x20 foot chunk of open asphalt. They were all I needed.
I started out with some basic stuff- plunger lacrosse, balancing it on my finger. Then I started some more advanced stuff, like plunger flips and dancing, Frank Sinatra- style. By then, I had drawn a sizable crowd. I mean, a white kid playing with a toilet plunger? How can you resist?
By then it was time for the grand finale- a field goal. I placed it on the ground, handle up, lined it up with my target, (A plastic flowerpot with a hedge in it) and gave it a good hard kick.
It was beautiful. It flipped through the air all the way across the open space, pointed straight for the flowerpot. Unfortunately, I must have kicked it a little too hard, as it came to rest by sailing straight for the pot. The pointy handle stabbed through the flimsy plastic of the flowerpot, leaving a good-sized hole at the entry point. I was laughing so hard. It was hilarious. That was when my dad took the plunger away. Ah, well. Fun has its limits.
Thanks for taking the time to read this! I will try to update at least 3 times a week. Make sure to vote on the poll on the right-hand side and play with your own plunger at home! (Just ask for permission and make sure it's clean.)
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