Monday, July 23, 2012

The Wicked Wacky Waterpark

Welcome back!
For today's exciting adventure, my family decided to go to Wan Chai to purchase... VISAS! Yaaay !his is the start of a long process that involves resident IDs, University IDs, Immigrant IDs, and will eventually result in the hallowed privilege of the swimming pool being open to my family.
Yeah. Visas. There was a RIDICULOUSLY long line to get in to Immigration Tower because there was some book fair happening and it looked like half the country had turned up to see it. Well, we go the visas. Woohoo! After, we went to the local art supply store to purchase some silkscreening supplies so that My dad and I can make Professor Nimbus T-shirts! (If you don't know who Professor Nimbus is, shame on you. Check him out at It is FAR OUT.) We all exited the store with new materials, but were faced with a dilemma: Should we face the throngs of people in the closest metro station waiting to get into the book fair, or should we walk to the next station in a force 3 out of 8 typhoon? (Sorry, forgot to mention the weather.) Naturally, we decided to brave the wind and water and walk to the next station.
About halfway through our stroll, we encountered an obstacle: a puddle. And when I say puddle, I mean PUDDLE. This guy was 15 ft across and 4" deep in the middle. We walked around it, jumping over a railing in the process, but encountered another difficulty: a 2" deep whitewater dam leak spewing all over the walkway. We ran through it. The third and final test was a puddle even bigger than the first. Looking back on it, my family's various strategies for getting across seemed to reflect our personalities: My mom and sister briskly tiptoed across, I grabbed all the art supplies, yelled out a good old "BANZAI!!!" and ran across, my dad, being patient and analytically minded, removed his socks and shoes and tiptoed across, and my little brother, being 5 and the maniac he is, sloshed across, taking a huge detour in order to cross it twice and splashing himself as much as possible.
Right now, we're all home, holed up in our apartment while Tropical Cyclone Vicente rages outside the window. It's an 8 out of 8 rating for strength, so it's not a very smart idea to take a tiptoe through the tulips outside anytime soon. I guess I'll get a lot of R&R.
Until next time!

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